

Book title: Digital Photo Artist

Author: Tony Worobeic and Ray Spence


I was really inspired by this book, especially the section about “Creative use of flatbed scanner”.  From the book: “The flatbed is a much undervalued means of capturing images- used as a macro lens, it is easy to photograph small man-made and naturak forms in abundant details. Once captured, these scans can be merged effortlessly with other more conventional photographic sources to produce dramatic and exciting images”.

After reading through, I decided to give it a try.

Below is the link of the piece of montage in which I scanned in something and incooporated with other medias,


Source: Book Cover

Scanned photo

I really liked the water droplets on the glasses. This has inspired me to take a series of photos similar to this. I used one of them in my coursework.


Book: Fundburo

Author: Siegfried Lenz

In English the title means Lost and Found.

This book is set in a small Lost and Found office in a train station . The narrator “I”, records his observations such how people react when they heard that what was lost was returned. People came in everyday, when they lose stuff, and they leave again, sometimes with smiles on their faces sometimes without.

Actually, this reminds me of“青春”. In our  youth, when growing up, there are things bound to be lost, and we will definitely find new things. It’s not the lost and found your stuff but it is about what we lost and what we have found instead in our lives.

I almost used this idea for my coursework. I even did a survey to ask people what are the things they have lost and gained while growing up. I want to use their answers as keywords and as a guideline to take related photos.


Inspiration: 《不不不》by 农夫

This is the theme song for Hong Kong’s “Say no to drugs” campaign. The song cooporates educational lyrics with rap and hip hop music.

The MV conveys the message of saying no to drugs clearly because through out the music video, big, three-dimensional chinese works “不”appears. Almost every scene, people are holding the big letters. Moreover, the letters are in red, and this captures the eyeballs of youngsters.

My take from the mv is that if I want to convey a message clearly to the target audience, it will be better if I can find a word that summarizes or represent my message. And the word should appear repeatedly and constantly so that people will be reminded of the message.

Maybe necxt year I will get a bunch of people to do similar stuff for the say no durgs competition.


This is an activity organized by someone on the internet. It’s called “我只能为你照照相”, I can only take some photos of you. Basically the idea is that you will be a professional photographer for one particular person for one whole day. You will be taking photos of that person the whole day, capturing him/her in the most natural way possible.

I find this idea very interesting. From some of the photos that other people uploaded, they are just simple photos showing some brushing their teeth. But that’s the main idea of the activity. It really shows people’s natural side.

Maybe during the December holidays this year I will try this out too. It may lead me to discovering new things about those around me.